Petrzilka Quarter Horses
Breaking Donkeys
Our Stallions

Frenchy Honor Lark
AQHA Registration Number 5858186
2017 16 Hand Buckskin
5 Panel N/N
Color Panel: A/A, N/Cr, nd2/nd2, E/e
Live Cover Stud Fee: $600
Shipped Semen Stud Fee: $750
Frenchys Smokin by
*Frenchmans Guy* -
A Top Leading Barrel Horse Sire in 2001-2009, A Leading All Around Performance Sire
2001-2020, 2019 Future Fortunes Stallion Of The Year, Progeny Earnings In Excess of $14
Million. Sire of: Jolee Lautarets NFR horse Frenchmans Twister Jordan Petersons NFR
horse Frenchmans Jester Top 10 All-Time Leading Barrel Sire, siring earners of $1,745,458
(barrels), including: SX Frenchmans Vanila ($164,104, Old Fort Days Barrel Fut. Ch.,
Speedhorse Barrel Fut. Ch.) Frenchmans Lil Lady ($62,359, fnl. BBR Finals), Frenchmans
Jester ($54,452, BFA World Barrel Fut. Ch.), Sky High Guy ($53,976, FizzBombBrl. Fut. Res.
Ch.), GoFor It Frenchgirl ($46,376)
*Sun Frost* - Sire of Multiple Barrel Racing & NCHA Money--over 2 million. Earners
NCHA Lifetime Offspring Earnings As Of 12/3/2001 $236,702 with 20 money
earners; Full brothers French Flash Hawk and PC Frenchmans Hayday are NFR
qualifiers. Sire of French Flash Hawk, aka Bozo, 4-time WPRA World Champion
Barrel Horse and 5-time WNFR Average Winner 1994-1998, five straight years.
Winner of major rodeos: Houston, Cheyenne, Calgary, etc.
Sire of PC Frenchmans Hayday, WNFR money earner for Sherry Cervi and
prorodeo winner. Also prorodeo winner in heeling. Sire of Sun Frosted Rocket a
2004 palomino stallion, WPRA money earner, and 1d money earner as well.
Sire of PC Bronsin a 1985 buckskin stallion. Sire of Frenchmans Guy #1 Barrel
horse sire.
*Docs Jack Frost* - AQHA Show H-0/P-8 ROM Arena AQHA Champion
AQHA Race SI-74/A/ROM, 4-0-1-0, $125.
World Ch, High Point Cutting Horse.
Sired: World Champion Offspring, Reserve World
Champion Offspring, Superior Performance
Offspring, AQHA High Point Performance Offspring,
ROM Performance Offspring, NRHA, NCHA, NSBA,
NRCHA Money-earners, Halter Point Earners
*Frenchman's Lady* - Dam OF Frenchmans Guy, Progeny earnings of over $2,000,000
Half Sister to Caseys Charm, Dam of 4 time NFR World Champion
Barrel Racing Horse French Flash Hawk aka Bozo.
*Gunna Smokem Good* - AQHA H-0/P-29 ROM Performance-Amateur ROM Performance-Open
AQHA World Jr Pole Bending-6th
*Bueno Chex Willie* - AQHA H-0/P-3 AQHA H-0/P-3 $2,295.29-NCHA NCHA COA Bronze
NRCHA Maturity Hackamore Champion NRCHA Maturity Ladies
Reserve Champion NCHA Area 1 $1,500 Novice Reserve Champion
NWCHA $500 Novice Year-End Champion^
Miss Chatii Hank by
*Chatii Honor Lark*
*Jet of Honor* - AQHA Race SI-102/AAAT/ROM/SW, 24-8-3-2, $15,780. raced 1973-1975
*Jet Deck* - AQHA Race SI-100/AAAT/ROM/Superior/SW, 31-22-4-2,
$200,625. 1962 AQHA Champion Quarter Running 2yr Old
Colt & Champion QH, 1963 AQHA World Champion Quarter
Running Horse, He raced 2 years, & earned 42 AQHA racing
points. After racing career he was retired to stud. He was
inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame. He sired 383 race
ROM earning horses, several World Champion Quarter
running horses, 2 AQHA High Point horses, and 5 AQHA
*Lois Lark* - AQHA Race SI-100/AAAT/ROM, 7 Starts 2-2-3 Earnings:
$2,989. Stakes Placed, Dam of ROM Race: Milady Liz(64m)
by Top Deck(TB), Go Liz Go(68m) by Go Man Go, Miss Top
Liz(70m) by Go Man Go, Jet Of Honor(71c) by Jet Deck
Lizy(74m) by Mr Jet Moore
*Lil Miss Go Hank*
*Go Hank *
* Hes Gotta Go* - AQHA Race SI-95, AAA, ROM, 8-1-3-3, $
Frenchy's throws his super easy-going disposition, his athletic ability and his conformation! All his colts are easy to train and everyone loves them. He passes on his big hip and little head.
He is paid up in the following Futurities:
Future Fortunes
Cornhusker Breeders Futurity
MN Futurity
Go For Broke
Arrow Productions

Hes A Royal Spoon
AQHA Registration Number 5673053
2015 15 Hand Blue Roan
Live Cover Stud Fee: $400
Shipped Semen Stud Fee: $550
Hes A Blue Pepto x Hes A Peptospoonfull x Peptoboonsmal and Black Acre Doc x Bob Acre Doc
Flon Go Blue x Mecom Blue x Haidas Litte Pep and Richs Shades of Blue x Richs Kid
Mecum throws foals with lots of athleticism and will sure enough work a cow. They naturally put their butts in the ground when they stop. Then are easy to train and are very smart. He throws big hips and little heads.

RJC Metallics Magic
AQHA Registration Number 6110141
2021 Red Roan
5 Panel N/N
Live Cover Stud Fee: $750 10/day mare care
Shipped Seman: $1000 plus Collection Fee
Metallics MVP - LTE: $316,860.90
(Metallic Cat x High Brow Cat and My Lizzy Babe x Lizzys Gotta Player)
2022 NCHA Open Finals Champion
2021 Brazos Bash Open Classic Champion
2021 Cotton Stakes Open Classic Champion
2021 NCHA Summer Spectacular Open Classic Finalist
2021 NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic Finalist
2021 Ike Derby & Classic Open Finalist
2021 Abilene Spectacular Classic Open Finalist
2020 Cotton Stakes Open Classic Finalist
2020 NCHA Summer Spectacular Classic Intermediate Open Champion
2020 Abilene Spectacular Open Classic Champion
2020 Non Pro Open Classic Top 5
2019 PCCHA Futurity Open Derby Reserve Champion
2019 The Ike Open Derby Reserve Champion
2019 NCHA Summer Spectacular Open Derby Finalist
2018 NCHA Open Futurity Finalist
RJC Hicks Oak x SR Hickorys Pep x Doc's Hickory and SR Navas Pick x Pick Play
Magic's sire Metallics MVP won the Open World NCHA in November 2022 with earnings well over $300K. We will be standing Magic to the public in 2024. We are currently starting him under saddle and is everything we were hoping for. We will breed him to a couple of our new mares in 2023, so look for his babies in 2024.