Petrzilka Quarter Horses
Breaking Donkeys

Here is another good john donkey that in our minds will be able to handle anything you need him to break. Max is 6 years old ad 48 inches tall. He is super sweet and we can't say enough good things about the way he goes about his job. He doesn't kick or bit and will just go to work and get the job done. He is easy to lead and handle, you can catch him in a smaller pen. He has good feet and bone and is at the perfect age that you can work him a ton and not worry about over doing it with him. For more information call Kevin at 402-920-0956 or Donna at 402-920-0629. She is located by Brainard Nebraska at Petrzilka's Breaking Donkeys

Rose is a super tame jenny, she is easy to catch, leads and ties and loves people. She is only 4 years old and is 45 inches tall. But, she does NOT like being a breaking donkey, she kicks way too much for our liking, so we are offering her as a guard donkey. She has been tied on to lots of calves, but she will pin her ears and kick. She has been exposed to a jack, so she could be bred, but no guarantees either way. If you are in need of a tame guard donkey, take a look, she would be perfect!

Here's one your all going to LIKE!! We really like the way Sid works, he is super easy going and makes the calf move on his terms. Sid is 5 years old and 46 inches tall, he is very stout and as honest as they get. He is tame and easy to handle, he leads good and you can catch him in a small pen. We think he might be one of the top donkeys we have sold. He is good footed and has enough bone to handle anything you time him to. He does NOT bite or kick at the calf or at people. If your looking for just a nice donkey that you don't have to worry about hurting your calf or your family, here he is! For more information call Kevin at 402-920-0956 or Donna at 402-920-0629. He is located by Brainard Nebraska at Petrzilka's Breaking Donkeys

Spice is 47 inch tall jenny. She is 4 years old, so she is at the perfect age to go and do some heavy duty work. She has a interesting way about doing her job, alot of donkeys will circle the calf to get them off balance so they can get them to walk, Spice likes to back them up and then get them to walk, either way she gets the job done! Spice doesn't have a problem giving the calf a love tap every so often just to make sure it is paying attention. She doesn't kick or bite at people. She is tame and easy to handle. She leads and ties good and can be caught in a smaller pen. We think the more she is tied on to calves that she will be a pro at what she does. She has been with a jack, but no guarantees she is or isn't bred. If you need a nice donkey let Spice help you out, you won't regret it! For more information call Kevin at 402-920-0956 or Donna at 402-920-0629. She is located by Brainard Nebraska at Petrzilka's Breaking Donkeys